Thursday 20 May 2010

The staking grind so far!!!

Ok well i am exactly 100 games into the $6.50 9 man turbo grind and am $66 down!!!

It is safe to say that I have been running worse than shola ameobi in high heel shoes!! :P

Races no good, not won a 60/40 when all in from either side in the last 3 sessions! constantly getting 80/20's bust etc etc....

despite all of this I am very happy with how I am playing and just put it down to variance and luck (or lack of it). I feel I am utilisting the positions correctly and playing the stacks well. Ofcourse my confidence has been dented but belief in my ability is still there and I know I can beat this level.

I have been busting out in most games in a 60/40 situation, mostly on the right side, and alot of times when calling the villain who has every right to push in their position and with their stacksize, mostly with pairs above 77's and KQ, A10+

The most annoying part of the games so far has to be bubbling to villains calling my all in with Jx or 78 suited or some crap which they have no need to do. Obviously these were not in extreme shortstack situs which i would fully expect the BB to call with ATC!!! In one session of 8 games i finished -$14 but BUBBLED 4 GAMES!!!! soul destroying to say the least as even 4 min cashes there would have meant a $25 profit!! but NVM GGWPUL!!

My best session so far was yesterday where in an 8 game session I won 4 games and came 3rd in 1 for $66 profit for the session- good times!!!!! Lets get back to a few of those sessions tonight ey!!!!

Anyway, will be sticking with it and hoping the downswing will turn very soon!!!!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Well Here Is A Start

I have never done a blog before but feel it is about time I gave it a shot!!!

My name is Craig Younger, more commonly know as Younger!!! and im from Durham but living in Newcastle now!! I have just finished a Business Management degree at Northumbria university and am in the process of finding a job/dossing in me digs playing poker and FIFA!!!!

Like hell can I remember when I started playing poker but I know it was just at a mates house for nosebleed stakes obv :P What I do remember though is being better than all me mates and instantly picking the game up so obviously moved onto online poker when i was 17 when, of all people, my mam sent me $20 which she never saw again!! I didnt really play alot though when I was living at home but as soon as I moved into me uni digs all hell broke loose!! found out on the first night that my new flatmate also enjoyed online poker, jackpot. I seem to remember he was playing on some awful site id never heard of so insisted he tried stars and duely sent him some $$$ to which he has now made well into the 1000's with no deposits at all!!!! WD him!!

My poker story is not disimilar as I have been a profitable player online and live from the get go, probably more luck than skill but it is certainly skill now!!!

Anyway at the minute I am starting on a new poker venture with a staker in place from the NPF, to whom I am very greatful for the opportunity!! This involves grinding the $6.50 9 man turbos on stars and I have got off to a winning start atleast and hope to continue as i have begun and achieve a tidy profit for the pair of us..

Hope you enjoyed reading my first attempt at a blog entry,
